Putzmeister Concrete Pumps GmbH is situated in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, south of Stuttgart as well as in Gruendau, Hesse, east of Frankfurt/Main.
Putzmeister Concrete Pumps GmbH produces and sells truck mounted concrete pumps, stationary concrete pumps and stationary placing booms as well as truckmixer concrete pumps and truck mixer.
Putzmeister Concrete Pumps GmbH
Max-Eyth-Strasse 10
72631 Aichtal
P: +49 7127 599 0
F: +49 7127 599 520
Email: pcp@putzmeister.com
Putzmeister Concrete Pumps GmbH
Industriestraße 10
63584 Gruendau-Rothenbergen
Putzmeister Mörtelmaschinen GmbH
Max-Eyth-Str. 10
72631 Aichtal
Phone: +49-(0)7127-599-0
Fax: +49-(0)7127-599-743
Hotline +49-(0)7127- 599- 699
E-Mail: mm@putzmeister.com
Intermix GmbH is situated in Bavaria, Germany, north of Memmingen and produces truck mixers.
Intermix GmbH
Grüntenstraße 1
D-87751 Heimertingen
Phone. +49 8335 98 28-14
Fax +49 8335 98 28-30
E-Mail: info@intermix.de
Putzmeister America, Inc.
1733 90th Street, Sturtevant
WI 53177 USA
P: +1 800 886 3200
P: +1 800 884 7210
F: +1 262 884 6338
See Putzmeister America in Sturtevant on YouTube
Email: pmr@putzmeister.com
Putzmeister Brasil Ltda.
Estrada Municipal do Mingú, 1407
Parque Rio Abaixo
Cep: 12.952-720
P: +55 11 4416 6200
Putzmeister Andina
Putzmeister Underground Division
Av. Américo Vespucio 1385, Quilicura.
Santiago - Chile
Mail: contacto@putzmeister.com
Tel.: +34 91 428 8100
Putzmeister France is situated in the south-east of Paris. Founded in 1974, PMF acts as the Sales and Service organization for France.
Putzmeister France SARL
3, rue Paul-Henri Spaak
ZAE Jean Monnet
F – 77240 Vert-Saint-Denis
Putzmeister Ibérica is situated in Madrid, Spain and designs, manufactures and sells Tunneling and underground mining machinery such as Shotcrete machines or concrete mixers for underground applications worldwide.
Besides that it acts as Sales and Service station for truck mounted concrete pumps, stationary concrete pumps and stationary placing booms, truck mixers, mortar machines and machines for industrial applications.
Putzmeister Ibérica S.A.
Cam. de las Hormigueras, 173
28031 Madrid
P: +34 91 428 81 00
F: +34 91 428 81 06
Email: contacto@putzmeister.com
Putzmeister United Kingdom is situated in the center of England south of Sheffield. Founded in 1974, PMUK acts as the Sales and Service organization for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. PMUK produces the BQF Roline truck mounted concrete pump.
Putzmeister Ltd
Carrwood Road
Chesterfield Trading Estate
S41 9QB
P: +44 1246 264200
PMR Putzmeister Russia
OOO "Putzmeister-Rus"
Urgumskaja Street, 4, building 31
129343 Moscow
P: +7 495 775 22 37
F: +7 495 775 22 34
Email: info@Putzmeister.ru
Putzmeister d.o.o.
Reška cesta 13C,
1330 Kočevje,
Tel.: +381 1 893 95 00
Putzmeister Makine Sanayi ve Tic. A.S.
G.O. Pa a Mah.
Namık Kemal Bulvarı No:6
59500 Çerkezköy / TEKIRDAG
P: +902827351000
Email: Info.Turkey@putzmeister.com
Putzmeister SA (Pty) Ltd.
1485 Citrus Street, Honeydew
P.O.Box 5146
2118 Gauteng
South Africa
P: +27 11 794 3790
F: +27 11 794 4119
Putzmeister Concrete Machines Pvt. Ltd.
Plot No. N4, Phase IV,
Verna Industrial Estate,
Verna Salcete,
Goa 403 722
P: +91 832 6696000
F: +91 832 6696300
Toll-Free: 1800-267-2678

Putzmeister Middle East
Putzmeister Concrete Pumps, Office Dubai
Fortune Tower, Cluster C
24th Floor, Office no. 2406
Jumeirah Lakes Towers
Dubai, U.A.E.
P: +971 (0) 44 54 27 83
F: +971 (0) 44 54 27 82
PCS Putzmeister South East Asia CT PTE. Ltd
Main Office Address :
30 Kranji Loop,
Block C #04-19
Singapore 739570
Workshop/Warehouse Address :
30 Kranji Loop,
Block B #01-17
Singapore 739570
P: +65 6293 20 29
F: +65 6293 11 58
Putzmeister Korea Co., Ltd.
59 Huimanggongwon-ro, Chungwang-dong
Shihwa Ind. complex 2 MA 707-1 HO
P: +82 0 31 433 4541
F: +82 0 31 498 7230
Email: PMK@putzmeister.com
PMJ Putzmeister Japan Co. Ltd.
27-1 Yachimata, Yachimata-Shi
CHIBA 289-1143, JAPAN
P: +81 (0) 43-497-5454
F: +81 (0) 43-497-5456
Email: Info@putzmeister.jp
Putzmeister Solid Pumps Trading Co. Ltd.
Mr. Feng Xun (Edwin) CEO
Jingguang Center Office Building
Room 507
1+020 Beijing, Chaoyang
Phone: +86-10-6502 6395
Mobile: +18611386190
Fax: +86-10-6502 6395
E-mail: feng.xuan@putzmeister.com
PMS Putzmeister Machinery (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Putzmeister MRHQ (Shanghai) Management Co., Ltd
59, Fanhua Road
Songjiang Industrial Zone
201613 Shanghai
Peoples Republic of China
P: +86 21 5774 100 0
F: +86 21 6774 3406
Michael Schmid-Lindenmayer
Torben Gerlof
PMO Putzmeister Oceania Pty Ltd. (ex CPE Machinery Pty Ltd.)
10-12 Kimpton Way
Altona VIC 3018
Phone: +61 3 9931 4200
Email: Oceania@putzmeister.com
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